Blog posts & articles

The power of random acts of kindness

The notion that kindness can boost well-being is not new, but new research shows small gestures matter even more than we may think.

Helping others can lower people’s daily stress levels and mean more than many of us realise. Researchers who study kindness and friendship say they hope the new findings strengthen the scientific case for making these types of gestures more often – for the benefit of others and ourselves.

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Image: Andrew Thornebrooke on Unsplash
Blog posts & articles

The power of random acts of kindness

The notion that kindness can boost well-being is not new, but new research shows small gestures matter even more than we may think.

Helping others can lower people’s daily stress levels and mean more than many of us realise. Researchers who study kindness and friendship say they hope the new findings strengthen the scientific case for making these types of gestures more often – for the benefit of others and ourselves.

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Image: Andrew Thornebrooke on Unsplash